my personal testimony

As you probably already guessed, yes I am a Christian.  This aspect of me shapes all the other facets of my life, it is who I am.

I grew up in a good Christian home, always attended church, was basically a "good" kid.  However I was only good by the world's standards.  At the age of 12 I accepted the fact that in God's eyes no one is without fault or sin, and without his help I was doomed to spend eternity in hell.  I struggled with this for a while and on a Tuesday night after a revival service at our church a preacher caught me and asked me if I wanted to get saved.    I said "yes," so we walked around the back of the church and I knelt down and gave my life to the Lord.  The life afterwards hasn't always been easy, but unlike one's without this gift, I have a friend that sticketh closer than a brother and is with me through every hard time.



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